Smoothie Pack Tamarind


What is it?

Easy to use smoothie pack containing 100g of tamarind fruit puree.

Not concentrate based, no additives, only fruit pulp.

Perfect for juices and smoothies. Commonly used in combination with other fruits.

What is tamarind?

The fruit is actually a pod measuring 12 - 15 cm in length and contains brown/ reddish brown fleshy, juicy pulp with a sharp, sour taste. A true delicacy that can’t be described with words, the only way to find out is by tasting it. Enjoy!

How to use?

Juice > 1 tamarind smoothie pack; 200 ml of water and some sweetener.

Smoothie > 1 smoothie pack, fresh or frozen fruits (banana, strawberries, kiwi, …) and 100ml water, juice, dairy (all kinds of yoghurts) or their soy, rice, nuts alternatives

Add some tamarind to your favourite smoothies, you can break or cut off a small piece of the frozen pulp and put the remaining part back in the freezer.

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